Yoga, discipline of liberation. Subtle practice that focuses on achieving harmony between mind and body. Art and Science of healthy and peaceful living.
The word “Yoga” derives from the Sanskrit root “Yuj”, which means “Union”. The yogic scriptures establish that the practice of yoga leads to the union of the individual consciousness with the universe, by producing a perfect harmony between mind and body, man and nature. In Tonkiri we recognize Yoga as a valuable discipline for the obtaining the strength, balance and flexibility needed to overcome the struggles of life.
Faced with the modern and superfluous tendency to interpret yoga as a sporty and vain practice of seeking the perfection of complex body postures or Asanas. We remember the value of Yoga as a preparation to seek the meditative states of consciousness which bring healing into our mind.
We seek to rescue the philosophical, metaphysical and behavioral principles of Yoga that provide the person with valuable tools for personal growth.